Hey, I'm Carlos Hernández

//To skip the animations just click anywhere

I’m a front end developer.

I have used React, Flutter, and Python to build some cool stuff.


My Stack

This is the list of the technologies I use, with links to examples

I also dabble in some backend stuff, app development and even data analysis. Here are the non-web-development tools that I use:

Online Store

ethereum chat vector

A fullstack project powered by Next.js and KeystoneJS. Supports account creation and credit card payments. With full CMS support for managing products and accounts with ease.


Frontend source code

Backend source code

Ethereum chat

ethereum chat vector

This chat lets you talk to other Ethereum addresses using your metamask account!

Live demo

Source Code

Las Lucas WPA

smartphone vector

A Progressive Web App build with html, css and js that shows the price of the dollar against the Venezuelan local currency according to different sources.

It has offline support and a nice calculator.

Check it out

Las Lucas for Android

smartphone vector

This is the predecessor to the WPA version. It's build with Flutter.

It's on Google Play

Pomodoro webpage build with React

pomodoro vector

A pomodoro webpage with neumorphic design.

The page uses only CSS to achieve these visuals.

Live demo

Source code

Webpage built with Vue

pomodoro vector

API-based architecture using axios.

The information is loaded dynamically depending on the information received from the server.

Live demo

Source code

Book Finder App with Redux

smartphone vector

Search any book using the google books API

Live demo

Landing Page build with Gatsby

smartphone vector

A responsive landing page with a modern design

The images are optimized via gatsby-image for faster loading, and has full CSM support.

Check it out.

This site

smartphone vector

You are welcomed to check out the source code for this site.

It's all commented and stuff

Cool! Huh?


🟢 I'm probably online right now.

I'm in the Bogotá timezone (UTC-5).

Find me at: cccarlos@duck.com