Hey, I'm Carlos Hernández I’m a front end developer.
I have used React, Flutter, and Python to build some cool stuff.
My Stack This is the list of the technologies I use, with links to examples
Front End Basics Javascript Libraries Javascript Frameworks CSS ToolsPrecompilers CSS Frameworks Package Managers Build Tools I also dabble in some backend stuff, app development and even data analysis. Here are the non-web-development tools that I use:
Version Control SystemsGit Repo hosting servicesGitHub Vercel Heroku Netlify KeystoneJSCustom mutations Custom Schemas Stripe integration Cloudinary integration Deployment Node.jsWeb ScrappingCheerios Instagram API Puppeteer Telegram Axios Flutter Cloud Firestore Firestore Auth Provider API Requests Python Online Store A fullstack project powered by Next.js and KeystoneJS. Supports account creation and credit card payments. With full CMS support for managing products and accounts with ease.
Frontend source code
Backend source code
HOW DOES IT WORK? The front uses Next.js, Tailwind for the styles and Grapqhl with Apollo to communicate with the server
The backend uses KeystoneJS and a SQLite database.
The images are hosted in Cloudinary and the payments are handled with Stripe
Check out my blog for more details on how it works
Ethereum chat This chat lets you talk to other Ethereum addresses using your metamask account!
Live demo
Source Code
HOW DOES IT WORK? It uses Firebase for storing all the chats and realtime updates.
It uses Metamask for login, which provides an unique address that can be used to distinguish between users.
Built using React with Context API and styled using only Tailwind.
Las Lucas WPA A Progressive Web App build with html, css and js that shows the price of the dollar against the Venezuelan local currency according to different sources.
It has offline support and a nice calculator.
Check it out
HOW DOES IT WORK? This site has undergone countless optimizations to keep the servers going while the user base grows.
Since it doesn't use any framework, I had to program my own simple state manager.
It uses gulp to compress resources, and critical.js to be able to show styled content even before the CSS has loaded.
It reports errros automatically via Firebase Analytics .
The site connects to a Firebase Database to get the data, which gets updated regularily by a separate web scrapper script build in Node.js.
Las Lucas for Android This is the predecessor to the WPA version. It's build with Flutter .
It's on Google Play
HOW DOES IT WORK? It connects to the same Firebase Database as the web version.
It uses Provider as a state management solution.
Book Finder App with Redux Search any book using the google books API
Live demo
HOW DOES IT WORK? The Redux manages the requests with async thunks. It uses Slices and Entity Adapters for extra simplicity.
The source code is here.
The idea for this project was taken from here.
This site HOW DOES IT WORK? A previous version of this used GreenSock, but now it's all vainilla Js.
I'm using webpack to mantain everything organized.
The CSS uses variables for the colors, and I'm modifying that to switch between the different themes.
Cool! Huh? :) 🟢 I'm probably online right now.
I'm in the Bogotá timezone (UTC-5).
Find me at: cccarlos@duck.com